Exporting a PDF report

Learn what types of reports are supported and how to get the most out of them.

Updated over a week ago


PDF reports are handy for a lot of use cases. They only contain the insights and data you want to share, can act as a backup and are easily shared with anyone who needs them.

💡 Looking for a digital way to share your data? Check out this article to learn more about share links and other export options.

How to Export a PDF Report

Exporting a PDF report can be done using the Export button in the top right corner of the screen and then selecting PDF report.

This opens the PDF report modal, containing two types of report for you to choose from: Standard and Schematic.

Standard report

The standard report is meant to share the details of an operation and its results. It's supported for all data products and includes the following sections:

  • A front page

  • A table of contents

  • Information regarding the site that has been inspected which comes from the Site properties

  • Information regarding the inspection that has been performed

  • Overviews of any delivered map layers (visual orthomosaic, thermal orthomosaic, DSM)

  • Statistics regarding the inspection

  • Detailed information regarding annotations, anomalies, task lists or detected elements

The statistics and detail pages can be included or excluded by ticking the corresponding checkbox shown below.

💡 If any filters are active while exporting the PDF report, they can be applied by ticking the Apply filters checkbox. Learn more about filters

Export modal for the Standard report

The feature detail pages contain a cutout of any visual, thermal or DSM layer of the operation, as well as any information contained in that feature. The cog icons can be used to configure exactly which information has to be included in the report.

Any photos or comments linked to them can be included with the corresponding checkboxes. Note that only image attachments will be included.

Here's an example of a standard report of a solar inspection operation:

Schematic report

The schematic report is only available for Solar Inspection products.

The schematic report is a map-based report used to locate features on site. It can be printed in a variety of sizes, ranging from A0 to A4. Any visual orthomosaïc layer or optimised PDF overlay can be used as a base layer.

❗️DXFs and non-optimised PDF overlays are not supported in the schematic report.

What's included in report

The first page always contains an overview of the entire site. For larger sites, this overview might not be accurate enough. Therefore additional zoomed-in pages with a fixed resolution are added.

Pages without any anomalies are skipped, as they wouldn't add any value.

The fill and stroke colours of the anomalies' rectangles are defined by the selected fill and stroke properties. The stroke colour is optional and the fill will be determined by the type of the anomaly by default. The cause, severity and remedial action properties are definitely interesting to use.

You can determine if the anomaly ID is included in each anomaly by checking the Include Anomaly IDs checkbox.

💡 If any filters are active while exporting the PDF report, they can be applied by ticking the Apply filters checkbox. Learn more about filters

Here's an example of a schematic report based on the visual orthomosaïc of the site.

The schematic report is perfect for fixing/checking problematic modules in the field. It works great in combination with the remedial action and status fields of the platform.

You can learn more about managing remedial actions on the platform here.

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