Getting Started
Everything you need to know to get started with Sitemark
10 articles
Data Acquisition & Upload
How to acquire high-quality data and upload it into Sitemark
28 articles
Using the Platform
Explore all basic to advanced functionalities
36 articles
Specific articles on how to use Sitemark for Engineering
5 articles
Specific articles on how to use Sitemark for Construction
3 articles
Operations & Maintenance
Specific articles on how to use Sitemark for Operations & Maintenance
27 articles
How to create a new site in the Sitemark Platform
Ordering an Operation
What drone hardware is compatible with Sitemark?
Uploading your flight data
How to filter your data
How to export data from the Sitemark Fuse platform
Where to start when you have received your first thermography results
What is Thermography and how does it work?